Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Hello to all,
Sorry I have been incommunicado but I promise I have been devoting almost all of my time and effort to endeavors that will guarantee that George W. Bush will be a one-term court-appointed president.
OK Here's the latest:
1- Never Trust a War Criminal by Barry Crimmins will be published this fall by Seven Stories Press. Please harangue your local bookseller to stock it.
2- Things at Air America are going great. I work with the wonderful Randi Rhodes each day. I will also be in Boston to cover the Democratic National Convention for AAR. If you miss Crimquips, listen to Randi carefully and you just might hear a few. I also tend to turn up on her show on Tuesdays because....
3- I'll also be in New York every Tuesday at Rocky Sullivan's hosting "Satire for Sanity" featuring all the greatest political humorists working today. There is already an Air America special in production from the shows that I have promised to do on a weekly basis until George W. Bush is is voted, hounded or impeached from office."
details @
This week's special musical guest is the fabled Christine Lavin. A. Whitney Brown, Randy Credico, Reno and Warren Thomas will add their world-class wits to the show. We have been selling out early for the unbelievably cheap $10 cover charge, so get to Rocky's (on Lexington Avenue between 28th and 29th as early as possible for the 8PM shows.
Upcoming guests will include Jim's Big Ego, David Cross, Kate Clinton and many, many more. This show has already become the underground place to be on Tuesdays in NYC. Any Tuesday you're in the city that the Republicans will soon regret holding their convention in, please do join us!
4- This weekend I return to Boston to perform at the Jimmy Tingle's UnConventional Comedy Convention at Jimmy's Off-Broadway Theater (formerly the Boston Baked Theater where I recorded "Kill the Messenger" way back when. I love the room, I love the city and I relish a chance to do an awful lot of new material in my artistic hometown. Working with my old pal Jimmy will be pretty great as well.
For tickets call
for group discounts, parking or more information call the theater's box office: 617-591-1616 Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater,
255 Elm St., Davis Sq.,
Somerville, MA 02144
Phone hours:
Mon.-Fri., noon-5 pm;
walk-up sales 2 hours before each show.
And Jimmy has awful lot lined up for the rest of the month as well.
Jimmy Tingle's Un-Conventional
Political Humor Series
Get Your Tickets Now! Before It's Too Late!
7/14-7/15: Bizarro's Politicomedy A-Go-Go, featuring comedian Dan Piraro (creator of the syndicated comic strip "BIZARRO")
7/16-7/18: Barry Crimmins (HBO & Air America Radio), w/Baratunde R. Thurston (7/16th) & Jimmy Tingle $20
7/22-7/23: A. Whitney Brown ("Saturday Night Live"),
Jim Morris ("Larry King"), Will Durst ("David Letterman";
7/22 only), & host Bob Somerby
7/24-7/25: Janeane Garofalo (Air America Radio),
Sam Seder (Air America Radio) & Jimmy Tingle
7/25 (9:30pm show): Lewis Black (HBO) w/Jimmy Tingle
7/26-7/31: Jimmy Tingle & special guests "All Politics Is Loco!" tribute to Tip O'Neill
Tix $20-$40. Dinner/show specials.
Free parking. Davis Sq. on the Red Line.
OK, that's it, except to say that I lost my entire backlog of e-mail and my address book so if you were expecting a reply from me or haven't heard from me, please check in. I will reply as soon as humanly possible.
Peace and love,
Barry Crimmins
Sorry I have been incommunicado but I promise I have been devoting almost all of my time and effort to endeavors that will guarantee that George W. Bush will be a one-term court-appointed president.
OK Here's the latest:
1- Never Trust a War Criminal by Barry Crimmins will be published this fall by Seven Stories Press. Please harangue your local bookseller to stock it.
2- Things at Air America are going great. I work with the wonderful Randi Rhodes each day. I will also be in Boston to cover the Democratic National Convention for AAR. If you miss Crimquips, listen to Randi carefully and you just might hear a few. I also tend to turn up on her show on Tuesdays because....
3- I'll also be in New York every Tuesday at Rocky Sullivan's hosting "Satire for Sanity" featuring all the greatest political humorists working today. There is already an Air America special in production from the shows that I have promised to do on a weekly basis until George W. Bush is is voted, hounded or impeached from office."
details @
This week's special musical guest is the fabled Christine Lavin. A. Whitney Brown, Randy Credico, Reno and Warren Thomas will add their world-class wits to the show. We have been selling out early for the unbelievably cheap $10 cover charge, so get to Rocky's (on Lexington Avenue between 28th and 29th as early as possible for the 8PM shows.
Upcoming guests will include Jim's Big Ego, David Cross, Kate Clinton and many, many more. This show has already become the underground place to be on Tuesdays in NYC. Any Tuesday you're in the city that the Republicans will soon regret holding their convention in, please do join us!
4- This weekend I return to Boston to perform at the Jimmy Tingle's UnConventional Comedy Convention at Jimmy's Off-Broadway Theater (formerly the Boston Baked Theater where I recorded "Kill the Messenger" way back when. I love the room, I love the city and I relish a chance to do an awful lot of new material in my artistic hometown. Working with my old pal Jimmy will be pretty great as well.
For tickets call
for group discounts, parking or more information call the theater's box office: 617-591-1616 Jimmy Tingle's OFF BROADWAY Theater,
255 Elm St., Davis Sq.,
Somerville, MA 02144
Phone hours:
Mon.-Fri., noon-5 pm;
walk-up sales 2 hours before each show.
And Jimmy has awful lot lined up for the rest of the month as well.
Jimmy Tingle's Un-Conventional
Political Humor Series
Get Your Tickets Now! Before It's Too Late!
7/14-7/15: Bizarro's Politicomedy A-Go-Go, featuring comedian Dan Piraro (creator of the syndicated comic strip "BIZARRO")
7/16-7/18: Barry Crimmins (HBO & Air America Radio), w/Baratunde R. Thurston (7/16th) & Jimmy Tingle $20
7/22-7/23: A. Whitney Brown ("Saturday Night Live"),
Jim Morris ("Larry King"), Will Durst ("David Letterman";
7/22 only), & host Bob Somerby
7/24-7/25: Janeane Garofalo (Air America Radio),
Sam Seder (Air America Radio) & Jimmy Tingle
7/25 (9:30pm show): Lewis Black (HBO) w/Jimmy Tingle
7/26-7/31: Jimmy Tingle & special guests "All Politics Is Loco!" tribute to Tip O'Neill
Tix $20-$40. Dinner/show specials.
Free parking. Davis Sq. on the Red Line.
OK, that's it, except to say that I lost my entire backlog of e-mail and my address book so if you were expecting a reply from me or haven't heard from me, please check in. I will reply as soon as humanly possible.
Peace and love,
Barry Crimmins